Here are some pictures of me and Abe.
Two sweater are different. Can you guess who's is who's? And no, the one on the right is not Abe's.
Abe and I had a sleep on Saturday after basketball. It had a little extra-workout afterwords as well. Emily went to swimming, so she dropped of Abe at basketball with me (there was just 1 minute left in our game). So then Abe and walked home (I walked, he rode in his stroller). But we used the stroller that goes with his carseat, which has small wheels. And of course it snowed on Friday and Saturday for the first time in months, so the stroller required a little extra push. It probably took over a half our to push Abe home, when it probably took me about 15 minutes to walk to the gym/church before.
Abe has two teeth on his bottom gum. He like to put things in them, like my thumb.
Last Saturday it was beautiful out, so we thought it would be nice to hike around Flattop. We even used this pack for the first time. But we were about 5 minutes from the parking lot when Abe started making this horrible wheezing sound. He kept making it every few minutes, so w decided to cut our hike short and go back home. We took him into the doctor the next day, and Abe was fine - he didn't have anything wrong with his lungs. We guess it's just a new sound that he likes to make.