Sunday, November 28, 2010

Seattle Marathon

Emily, Neil & Hannah ran the Seattle Half Marathon (13.1 miles) in times that would have won the full marathon. The race started at the Seattle Center then to the I-90 tunnel, along the lake to the Aboretum, to Eastlake and back to the Center. They look pretty good for someone who just ran 13 miles. The individual competition was won by Hannah who gets her training as a professional dog runner.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

15 Months

Abe's catching up to Banjo.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A few new pictures

So it's been a long while since we have made a blog. Here some random pictures from the last month or so.
Here are Abe and I outside a Starbucks on the Big Island. Notice the matching outfits. We bought these at a swap meet in Honolulu with Keri and Jared back in 2009.
The fam at the beach. Check out the super-cool 100-spf flame suit for the boy.
Back in Seattle. Abe likes to play with his little IKEA kitchen. On this day Emily was cleaning the real kitchen with a Clorox wipe, which inspired Abe to wipe down his kitchen with a Clorox wipe. Monkey see, monkey do.
Emily made some super-delicious cookies for her Grandpa and my Dad for Veterans Day. They were very large, and made Abe very curious.
We introduced Abe to yogurt a little while ago, and he loves it! He basically can eat an entire container, although he doesn't quite get it all into his mouth.

Nothing says 'Seattle' like snow before Thanksgiving. We took Abe outside so he could experience the snow again (although he was probably about 8 months old the last time he saw snow). As you can tell, it was a little windy when Emily took this picture of us.

Abe was not the biggest fan of the snow. Either that, or it was too close to bed time. After little Abe went to bed, Mom, Dad and Banjo went for a cross-country ski down to Maplewood park. The snow was a little thin, but it was a lot of fun to go out and ski again.
We let Banjo off his leash so he could play and frolic in the snow like back home in Anchorage. The 'Dood loves the snow!
On Tuesday I took Abe and Banjo for a walk around Jefferson Park. It was super sunny and nice out, which reminded me of Anchorage. The wind did whip around during one part of our walk and put a chill in us.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Hallows Eve!

Yesterday Abe had his first trick or treating experience! Banjo went as a jack o lantern and Abe was dressed as Banjo dressed as a jack o lantern. I even had a costume! In order to paint on Abe's gumdrop nose, I let him try out the pencil on me first. And, because Abe refuses to wear anything on his head, I got to wear his pumpkin hat with dog ears along with Neil's giant orange coat.

Check out the little video!