Sunday, December 30, 2012

A very merry Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas this year with Abe and Mei Li.  Here are a few random pictures.
Mrs. Claus aka baby Jesus rockin out in front of the tree.  This year Mei Li starred as 1 of 2 baby Jesuses in the church Christmas pageant.  She did awesome until a gas bubble got the best of her.  Mary panicked and quickly handed her back to me.  
 Abe and Mei Li hanging out in front of the tree with a few of their gifts.  Abe got to wear his PJs all day.  He got the tea set from santa claus (per request).

 I just liked Mei Li's expression in this picture.
 On Christmas Eve we made a Christmas tent, because Abe really wanted to go camping (yay Abe!).  We had fun hanging out in it....and even opening our gifts.
 The best gift.

 Abe wanted to leave Santa popcorn rather than milk and cookies (he gets enough sweets).  The bowl on the left is for the reindeer--kibble and celery.

 The kids in their Christmas PJs.  Sarah made some cute matching christmas robes too!  I liked this picture because it looks like a sweet little family photo.  I guess it's a modern day family!
The day after christmas we took Abe bowling.  We thought it was his first time bowling, but we just found an old camera that contained evidence of a bowling trip 2 years ago.  
Surely this is Mei Li's first bowling trip.

All Aboard!

This year we went on a surprise trip to ride the santa train!  We got up early and got a quick breakfast at columbia city bakery (apparently its Abe's favorite), and then headed out to North Bend to catch the train.  
 Daddy and Mei Li riding out to see santa.
 The train takes you to the depot in Snoqualmie where you meet santa and eat cookies and hot chocolate.
 Also, the highlight for Abe, was the Thomas the train table set up in one of the train cars in Snoqualmie.  He could have cared less about Jolly ol St Nick.

One the way back they offered up the mic to anyone who wanted to sing Christmas carols.  It was a fun outing!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Mei Li's really starting to smile and respond to people's faces.  Look at those chubby cheeks!

move over uncle ja-bob

Abe's school took a field trip to soundbridge at benaroya.  Half the field trip fun was riding the bus downtown.  Teacher Erica asked all the kids what the highlight of the field trip was.  Abe's favorite part was the snack.  Go figure.  It was crackers and a homemade granola bar.  
Little bud on the cello.

Christmas cousins

Today we went for our annual santa picture at Nordstroms.  One minor hitch--the jingle bell run.  Neil and Katie went early to get a place in line, but the run was scheduled to start right around the same time we needed to be down town with the kids.  So, to add to the fun (for Abe anyways) we took the light rail into town.  Abe wore his ear phones--because he was worried the train would be loud.
Abe was happy to be rocking on the horse, in fact he rocked so hard he slid all the way to the back of Santa's chair. Frannie's a little nervous about the big guy.  

 Afterwards we went to grandmoo's house for an encore photo shoot for her Christmas cards with the greats.  
Silly cousins.