Saturday, October 26, 2013

My halloween flock

We've got chicken on the brain at our house.  For the last week or two we've consistently gotten 3 eggs every 2 days!  All it took was changing to a new type of feed with more calcium.

Here are my halloween chickens--courtesy of Martha (Stewart) and Grammy.  

Abe doing his interpretive chicken dance.
 Check them combs out.
 My little chickie.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Mei Li!

Today our little Mei Li turned 1!  What a happy sweet little girl.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A year ago today

A year ago today we went to the pumpkin patch with Frannie, Sarah and Katie on Mei Li's due date, because, well what else was there to do?  Today we went back.  Things look a little different...

I look ridiculous, like there's a pumpkin under my sweatshirt.
Now there's a cute little pumpkin on my lap!
Abe and Frannie trying to lift the pumpkin.
 We went through the red zombie corn maze.  This year we (meaning katie and neil) followed the map.  Last year we put our faith in Abe and Frannie.  Everyone thought this year was more successful, but hey, we made it out didn't we?
 Hi baby girl!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sorry Mei Li You've Been 11 for Awhile

We never posted Mei Li's 11 month picture.  At least she hasn't turned a year yet...  At eleven months Mei Li is moving all over the place.  She's pulling herself up onto everything, climbing up stairs,
and getting into trouble.  She loves to babble and is quite loud in screaming when she wants something.  Her tricks are clapping, making a noise by hitting her hand over her mouth, copying, signing milk, eating, and being cute. Some meals she out eats Abe.  She is always such a happy little girl.