Saturday, August 16, 2008


We just got back from canvassing the neighborhood.  FIrst I went out with Margaret who lives one block over from us.  We did 65 doors, which took us about 3.5 hours.  Then I recruited Neil (he's been really sick these few days) and we did another 45 or so.  Most of these people were quite excited about Obama, but the funniest was this guy who invited us into his living room and he and this lady wanted to have a discussion about Obama.  At first when he answered the door I thought that he would have been a tried and true Republican, but they ended up being pretty cool.  The place reeked of cigarette smoke and they were both sitting in their lazy boys.  It really reminded me of something out of a documentary or something.  

Now it's off to Thai food to reward our hard work.  

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