Monday, October 6, 2008

Obama Rally

On Saturday Anchorage had yet another Obama Rally.  Despite threats of snow and hail about 1500 people showed up.  This one had Ethan Berkowitz and Tony Knowles as speakers (the the democratic candidate for house (running against Don Young--whose even more corrupt than Stevens) and the past governor (who lost last election to Palin).  There was also a live band that played weird hippy music.  Neil and I volunteered for a few hours at one of the tables to give people information about Obama and the head quarter office here in Anchorage.  It was pretty fun.  

Apparently the competition held a rally during the same time and only 350 people showed up.  This mom and her son decked out in all McCain/Palin gear came up and took some of our information and asked for Obama buttons.  It was a little weird.  But they didn't say anything rude.

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