As Emily said yesterday, we were invited to the Begich Party at the Snow City Cafe downtown tonight. It started at 5, but we didn't get there until 5:45 b/c we don't get off work until 5. We got there right when Begich was giving a speech. The place was packed wall-to-wall with people. We left after the speech b/c we didn't have any drink tickets. We said hi to Kiel, the Begich staffer who worked with us for the GOTV (Get out the vote) and George, the All-Star volunteer who turned out for three straight days canvassing.
Then we went to Sahara, a middle-eastern restaurant by our house. We shared the veggie sampler and a lamb shank. It was so gigantic we decided to pose for pictures before we tore into it. We saved the bone for Banjo. He was so excited when we released him that he somehow knocked over our plastic dresser in his jubilation. He had some good munches on it - a little too good b/c the bone started to splinter so we had to take it from him. He was so sad :-(
Addendum: We didn't walk Banjo last night, and I think he was a little wound up. We never picked up the contents of our spilt dresser. As a result, we woke up in the middle of the night to Banjo chewing on something...and that something turned out to be one of our REI headlamps!!! Which is a drag b/c we liked to use them when we go XC skiing on the dogpark lake at night. Now we just have one. How sad :-(
Banjo looks so happy!
looks like all the little dogs are enjoying the bones.
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