Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A great day and anniversary rolled into one

This is how Alaskans watched the Inauguration festivities on TV Tuesday morning.
Emily likes to stay warm while she watches President Barack.
Nothing says America like eating at McDonald's on MLK day
The dood stylin' his booties at the dog park.
This is what a week of 40 degree weather will do to the snow.

Emily and I woke up at a the crack of 7am so we could watch the inauguration hoopla. What a great site it was to watch President Barack take the oath of office and then to hear his spectacular speech. And even greater to watch W hop on the helicopter and get the f@$% out of town (only about 8 years too late if you ask me). It was nice knowing that Emily and I did our part to put the current president in office.

Today is an anniversary for me as well. January 20th, 2008 was when Banjo and I arrived in Alaska for good to be with Emily. We got in around 2:30am, and right when we got home we took a litle walk around the neighborhood in the snow and darkness.


Anonymous said...

Are you getting floods from the melting snow? That can be quite a mess. Have you guys looked at the job lists that Dad sent? I am ready to quit my job and do some babysitting when you move back. You need to be with your family for help. I want you close by. Love and kisses mom

Sarah said...

I had McDonald's on inauguration day! It seemed appropriate!

And listen to your mother :)