Thursday, February 26, 2009

week 15

This week peanut turns 15 weeks, meaning that it is now resembles the size of a navel orange.  According to the book it can now wiggle its fingers and toes, and suck them too--the fingers at least.  I'm thinking that it may have webbed feet with all the swimming that I've been doing.  Tomorrow is our swim meet.  I'm riding the bus to Neil's work so that we can go straight there.  I'm swimming the 100 IM and something else.  On Saturday, Meet day 2, I'll be swimming the 500, 100, and a relay.  It should be fun.  I'm just hoping that my goggles don't pop off when I dive in.  


Anonymous said...

be sure and have Neil take pictures. Hope your new suit glides you through the water to a fast finish. Good luck mom

HaruMeetsWorld said...

when do you start getting fat? and when do we know if peanut's a boy or girl nut???

Sarah said...

She already has a little belly, but you can't see it if you don't know it's there. It looks like a food baby...only like she's full all the time :)