Thursday, April 9, 2009

Surgery - Part II

I had my surgery yesterday afternoon. It was actually pretty easy. It took less time than waiting for my perscriptions to be filled at Coscto. They injected my mouth, left side of my tongue, and gums with local aneastetic. Then they waited until I was all nice and numb, and the surgeon dove on in and started slicing open my gums until he got to the bone. There he saw my two infected screws, as wel as two free-floating bone chips. And I had a large hole in my jaw, which isn't good. He had a little trouble getting the scews out, since Dr. Lee (my surgeon in Seattle) put them in threw my cheek. So he couldn't use the specail custom screwdriver that was sent up here. But he was still able to remove the screws. They were pretty sizable too - well over an inch. The bone fragments kind of looked a little smaller than fingernail trimmings. It was weird because during the surgery I could feel the surgeon screwing out the scews from my bone. Kind of trippy.

I picked up my perscriptions at Coscto (Hello, Vicadin!) and went home. I iced my cheeks all day while I watched the first season of The Wire (I had heard nothing but good things about this show, and I must say I was not disappointed). I then picked up Emily from work, and she made me some nice potato soup for dinner.

I should be back to normal by the time we leave for Hawaii in a week (aloha!). I just need to keep my wound clean and finish all of my antibiotics, and hopefully this stupid infection will finally go away.Banjo and me watching the first disc of The Wire.
Icing is a neccesity. 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off.
The 'Dood in his Classic Banjo sleeping position.


Anonymous said...

Thank heavens it's over! We shall all think positive thoughts that the infection os truly ;gone forever!

Mom said...

Do they think that the hole will fill in with bone? I would hope so. Seems like you have a fragile face for now. Don't go and get in any bar fights. Well this picture looks alot better than the first time around. Keep up the ice and are you using some sort of anti inflamitory? Well, take care of your self.

frankncents said...

ewww. At least you look better than after the first surgery. Does this mean that you haven't got any screws holding the left side of your jaw together, or are there other screws that weren't infected?

Mom said...

Is the new doctor willing to testify to the inept shotty job done by the first doctor in a court of law? I thing I can see a big down payment on a new house in your future.

Jimmy said...

Mary and I loved The Wire, however, because of the show she freaked out on me when we were walking in downtown Baltimore looking for some late night Chinese place. I ended up making a wrong turn somewhere and ended up on some dark street.