Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Brattleboro with baby Jude

Me, TeTe and baby Jude.
Jude having tummy time on the quilt that Grandma and mom made.
Me and little Jude Liston.
Jude taking a cat nap on his daddy's lap.

Following the conference I went to see Tessa and Elliot and little baby Jude. My visit started off a little rocky. Tessa had caught a bad stomach flu, and on top of things little Jude was going through his 3 week growth spurt, which meant that he was eating pretty much every hour. Tessa soon felt better, and it was great to see her and Elliot again--this time as parents. Jude was a really precious baby--definately a cutie. And I got a little test run for Peanut: eat, burp, gas, sleep, repeat. I had no idea that babies make such a loud noise when they poop!


Anonymous said...

You will definitely have more surprises in store than just how loud babies "poops" can sound!

Mom said...

Oh, Tessa and baby are looking very good. What a cutie pie. I am so ready to be holding a baby. Can't wait for Aug 11.