Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Little Hobbit

Today we had Abe's first pediatrician visit. He's lost about 1 pound, and now weighs 8#s (50-75th percentile). His height is in the 75-90th percentile (21 inches); and head circumference is 36 cm (25-50th percentile--perhaps it will be higher by the time the cone dies down).

Little Abe has been doing well. The first night we got home from the hospital didn't really sleep much (or let his parents sleep for that matter). Then the next day he made up for his sleepless night by sleeping for over 12 hours. We were pretty worried, because we couldn't even rouse him to eat, but now he's eating much better and last night he woke up twice to eat, but he did a much better job eating.

We've been calling Abe the little hobbit, because he has inherited my deformed ear, except his have some dark baby hair growing on them, making him look like Frodo.


Sarah said...

Perhaps you know what the little hobbit should be for his first Halloween!

HaruMeetsWorld said...

he's going to be a giraffe, i already picked out the costume.

Lis said...

he's already too big for NB clothes! very cute.

molly said...

ahhhh!!! he's too cute for words!!

Unknown said...

Awww, Emily, he's soooo cute, I really miss Aubrey being that TINY!! Congratulations!!!

Take Care and KIT,