Monday, December 21, 2009

Sports time!

On Saturday I had the annual SASC alumni game. This year it was at the Rainier Vista boys and girls club, which was a really nice new gym. I wasn't intending to play, but I ended up playing a few 20 minute games. It was fun, although I felt old playing against "alumni" who were 10 years younger than me. We really went to show off Abe (SASC newest player. He's going to be good! And they sure will be excited about the height). Abe was really interested in watching the games. He sat up on the score table and he watched as the players went up and down the court. Already a sports nut!

Here are a few more pictures of Abe and me from his swim class. Perhaps a little dark, but still cute.

Check out his cute suit from his aunties.

1 comment:

molly said...

EMERS I LOVE THE BANGS!!!! Both of you are too cute!