Tuesday, March 22, 2011

clamy clamy ding dong

This weekend we went clam digging at ocean shores. There was a low tide on Saturday evening, and then an early one Sunday morning. On the drive down we stopped at Cabela's for lunch and so Neil could get some boots. Cabela's is the Ikea of the outdoors, and with tons of ammo. I had an elk meat sandwich, which was pretty good.

On saturday evening we went clamming. The clams weren't really showing, but we ended up getting a few. Abe had a blast playing on the beach, as did the dood. Banjo even grabbed one of the clams that we dug up and pranced around with it in his mouth.

On Sunday morning we had a killing. We all got our limits within about half an hour. The clams were super easy to find. Now it's clam stir fry, fried clams, clam chowder, clam spaghetti (and maybe a few clam farts) for us!


Lis said...

How fun! Looks chilly and Abe is SO freaking adorable in all of his gear.

Anonymous said...

I love the plastic pants. We had those on the jared/kari kayak trip last summer and they were kind of the best thing ever :-)

Readers Without Peters - A Seattle Book Club said...

Clamming at ocean shores is a family favorite for my family! Yum!