Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Patch--first attempt

A few weekends ago Neil went to Las Vegas with his brother, so Abe and I had a nice 3-day weekend to the two of us. On Saturday we went out to Woodinville with Sarah, Katie, and Frannie to the Hana Andersen outlet, and then to a pumpkin patch.

The weather was great! And the bees were out. We were there for about 5 minutes, when I turned to see Abe swatting a bee from his face. It ended up stinging him right below the eye, and that ended our pumpkin patch fun. He had a few hives on his body, so the consulting nurse consulted us to go to the ER. So off we went.

The little guy looked quite pathetic, and now has a fear of pumpkin patches. When we went last week it was raining so I lead him to believe that bees don't like the rain, so he would be safe. Also, he now associates bee stings with popcicles. He got two out of the experience. And, now I have a bottle of benadril on hand.


jenilyn said...

Poor Abe!! Glad he has an intact inflammatory response! Cheers to benadryl!

Jenilyn :)

Sarah L said...

He actually doesn't look as bad in the pictures as it seemed at the time. Perhaps it is because at the time we were frightened for the little guy - especially after the consulting nurse sent us to the hospital!

Lis said...

Poor guy. I've definitely learned my lesson in children's ER visits...take them to Childrens Hospital. You'll be in and out in no time with a whole lot less stress.