Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Mexican Burning Man

We're having a great time on our trip so far. The casa de cielo where we're staying is a short walk to town. This morning we hung out at the beach. The water is nice and warm, and Abe loved playing in the sand. Tonight for dinner we were going to have BBQ chicken...

Clave was getting the grill ready outside when we all heard Hannah scream bloody murder. Then we heard a loud splash. We all came running to find a fire on the ground and Clave running around in the pool. Clave 's face and chest caught on fire. I had to pour water over the fire on the ground, it spread into the inside of the house because the lighter fluid spilled. And jenilyn used her nursing skills to treat poor Clave. He has a few black spots on his face and is missing his eyebrows and eye lashes. And he is all swollen. Hopefully the rest of our trip will be less exciting.

I went to Harborview today, which has the top burn unit around. They said it is healing nicely. The scarring is hard to predict, but they thought my face should be as pretty as it was.

1 comment:

Sarah L said...

Thank goodness you had nurse Jenilyn along! I'm glad that Clave is alright. My sunburn protection shirts won't help with fire. No more excitement please!