It's been a while since we wrote a blog, so I thought we'd better update it, although there aren't really any updates. We haven't done anything too exciting this weekend. Ever since we had that really warm streak, all the trails have been a sheet of ice covered with a light dusting of snow--not really ideal for skiing or snow shoeing. We've been to the dog park the last few days, which Banjo has appreciated. Yesterday we went out to Village Inn beforehand. Neil and I both had the skillet meals, which included a lot of breakfast meats. I didn't really want mine, so I brought them out to the car for Banjo. What could make a dood happier than bacon, ham, sausage, and a trip around the dog park? Perhaps a moose. While we were walking around the park there was a mama and baby moose out munching on some trees. We were afraid how Banjo might act, so we put him on his leash, but he didn't seem to too phased. We walked by without any incident.
Today for our day off we're just planning on running errands. We may also try to walk Banjo out to the lagoon to see if it's re-frozen over again. I'm also going to try to go to a yoga class by our house. I fear I'm getting old, because I seem to be developing all these kinks from sitting at my desk too long at work.
The baby is now ten weeks in marination. I've been reading a website that provides a food-sized equivalent for each week. This week it's a prune. A bunch of commentators didn't like it being called a prune. But it reminded me of when I was in Ecuador and got really excited about purchasing a bag of the most big and juicy raisins, which later turned out to be prunes.
And it isn't such a bad idea to eat those prunes as they have lots of iron in them good little boo boo. What is that picture of that baby? Ugly. Ten more weeks and we can find out the sex. Time will go by fast. Pretty soon Sarah will be up there in the cold. Although, we have had snow and cold here too. Not so much as you though. Well keep busy and happy. mom
I like "marination". It's a good description. In less than 3 weeks I'll be up there with you guys! I tried to buy some more long underwear pants at Target this weekend (because I have 1 pair and they're a little too big), but all they had was 1 pair of smalls, which had clearly been returned. I wasn't upset about the torn packaging, just that all they had were smalls! I am NOT a small. Couldn't they have had 1 pair of mediums? I would've suffered through with larges even!
Oh, and I REALLY hope that the little monkey is cuter than that wrinkly baby in your blog! With such good genes it has to be!
What's the fetus-food website?
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