Saturday, January 31, 2009

An Alaskan Day

This morning Neil and I had our usual Saturday activities:  wake up at 6:30 so that Neil can go play basketball (I'm stuck going with him, because we only have one car and I have swimming at 8), go to swimming, go get breakfast afterwards.  Today we went to middleway cafe, which has some of our favorite breakfast in town (huevos rancheros=mmmmmm).  During breakfast I was feeling ambitious, because I had just signed up for the swim meet at the end of February.  So I decided that I wanted to sign up for the Ski for Women, a fun ski event for women that always occurs on the day of the superbowl.  (Apparently that is the top day for domestic violence calls.  I guess too much testosterone).  So we walked over to REI to see about signing up.  But, in my haste, I didn't realize that yesterday was the last day to sign up.  Darn!  

Instead we went skiing on our own during the afternoon.  At first we started on this intermediate trail system, but we're not intermediates.  (we were at Kincaid, the place we went during the summer when everyone came to visit---you may recall someone peeing in the middle of the path).  So we went over to the novice side and hopped on a trail over there.  Because the Ski for Women is coming up tomorrow the course was already marked.  So, we followed the course.  It was pretty fun.  During the race everyone dresses up in costumes, which we didn't do.  But I think that my ski hankering was satisfied.

Afterwards we did a little grocery shopping to get stuff for the superbowl tomorrow and for dinner tonight.  Mac n' cheese with beets.  Afterwards we watched our Netflix, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.  I seriously did not get it.  Did she really have a son?

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the part that made it all a very Alaskan Day.  Today I applied for my permanent fund dividend (PFD).  I've paid my dues and now I'm ready for the payoff of living in the last frontier.


Sarah said...

When do they pay out?

Mom said...

That sounds like a long day. What was the "dude" doing all the while? I hear you are up to a lime now. Congrats. I have been trying to call with no luck. Mom