Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hoopin' it up - Alaska style

So how do you play basketball when it's -14 degrees out?  Go inside, that's how.  I played basketball on Saturday morning at 7am, probably the first time in over a year.  Our friend Jared is starting a min-basketball league with his church, and since he knew I wanted to play, he invited me to be on his team.  Our first game was on Saturday (we won 47-36).  We had 6 players and the other team had 5.  Emily kept score for us, since she has her swimming at 8am on Saturday and we only have one car.  It was pretty fun to be out on the court again after such a long time.  I must say though that I was DYING after about 3 minutes of playing.  Pretty sad.  But I did OK.  Emily was impressed with my skills, Sarah Palin style (i.e. I exceeded her very low expectations).  I was way impressed with Jared though.  He had two authoritative dunks.  I think that's the first time I've ever played ball with a guy who threw down in a game.  I'll be back on the court next Saturday bright and early at 7am again.  And I'm looking forward to it (although I doubt Emily is).

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's always good when you can impress someone who has low expectations of you :)