Thursday, July 29, 2010

My first TV interview

Yesterday the local CBS affiliate came to the crime lab to interview someone from the DNA section. They were doing a story on Anthony Dillard, who had been indited the day before. DNA evidence had linked him to two cold-case sex assaults (2005 and 2007). Abi, our DNA tech manager came in the back office area to see if anyone wanted to be interviewed on camera. Since everyone had already gone home for the day and I was the only one back there, I got 'volunteered'. So I met the reporter and the camera lady, and the reporter asked me some basic, general questions about CODIS and the work we do in the DNA section while the TV camera was rolling. Abi was also asked a few questions as well.

So I was all excited to watch the 10pm news. But when they ran the segment on Mr. Dillard, they didn't air any part of either one of our interviews. An airplane at the air force base crashed that night, so I'm thinking that story took time away from the DNA story. That, or our interviews were really bad. All in all it was a good experience to talk to the media about my job, and good practice for when I'm in court.


Mom said...

Too bad you couldn't have been on tv. I guess you could still say that you were interviewed on camera in a resume. Oh well maybe another time. You were almost famous. Unlike Hannah who is famous.

Lis said...

Damn that airplane for crashing! Kidding. I am sure there will be more interviews. Consider that one a warm-up.