Friday, July 30, 2010

I guess he had it coming

When Abe was about 5 months I wrote about how this kid named Casey tried to throw a wooden instrument at Abe's face. Well, Abe is now having his go as the wild "bully". Yesterday I took him to Cuddlers and being the a.) big ham that he is and, b.) only kid who can move, Abe seized the moment and crawled back and forth in the circle screaming and throwing toys at all of the other little immobile babies. I think it's time for Cruisers.

Here is a video of Abe practicing throwing his toys.


Anonymous said...

What goes around...comes around! Remember to show him how to be "gentle", while showing him, by holding his hand and demonstrating.....all the while using a "gentle" voice. It takes many demonstrations.

Lis said...

Hmmm, yes, many demonstrations. We've been working on that one for a looooooong time now. Don't worry, somebody always has to have "that kid." usually it's me. :-)

Mom said...

Thats karma for you. I have found that what ever you see that is disgusting or gross not to make judgment on it or for sure it will end up on your door step.