Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Super Abe Run!

One of the fun things about living so close to Seward Park is well, going to Seward Park. We normally go run there with Hannah and Nick (and of course Abe and Banjo) on Saturday mornings. And the Sunday before President's Day Emily, Abe, Banjo and I went for a walk. And what did we "run" into? Well, the 3rd annual Run With Abe 5K. We actually ran into one of Emily's old friends who ran in it, and it's a fund raiser for people who like to do Race for the Cure races. Anyways we thought it was pretty cool.

Check out the nifty picture of that other Abe.
Our walk ran over into Abe's nap-time. He's such a trooper.

Here is a little video of our walk around the loop.
While Emily and I enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee on the weekends, Abe enjoys his own drink. Emily warms up some milk for him in one of our mugs for him.
This is super shaggy-Banjo. He looks a little different now.

1 comment:

Lis said...

how cute! I've never heard of that race.