Wednesday, February 8, 2012

catching up

To say it's been a while since we've put a post up is an understatement. Here are a random assortment of pictures from the past few months.
Abe, Frannie and Grampy getting into the Christmas spirit.
My family came down to hang out and play on Christmas Day.
Check out the two cute kids in their cute Emily-made Christmas Jammies. Pretty cool.
Joe, Minna, Ellie and Cole came up for New Years, so on New Year's Day we went to the zoo (with Teresa too). Here Abe and Ellie get up close and personal with a peacock.
It wanted to show-off for all the folks and children.
Abe enjoyed being pushed around by Ellie throughout the zoo.
Ahhh...Abe's first video game. You know you're getting old when the first video game your kid plays doesn't even use a controller - it just uses motion sensor. Emily got the dance game for Christmas for the Kinect.
Dad and son getting down.
On January 7th we celebrated our one year home-ownership anniversary!!! We celebrated by going skiing and Emily cooking a fabulous homemade meal.
Abe liked the apple cider. He's drinking out of a Proud Parent glass, which is what Regional gave us after Abe was born.
Abe loves going to school. Here he's playing in the water/bubble tub with his friends.
Abe getting some one-on-one time with Teacher Jennifer.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Good to see you are finally doing your duty to post pictures and inform about what you are doing. :)