Monday, January 28, 2008

Bad Banjipants

Last night when we took Matt out for his birthday we left the dogs at home. Banjo was in his kennel and Rio was out in the living room. And when we returned we found a little --not so friendly--note taped to our door. Apparently Banjo was pawing at his cage and barking a lot while we were gone. And apparently our neighbor downstairs likes to go to bed really early (directly under Banjo's kennel). So she wasn't too happy about that. In Clinton Court we lived below a girl who wore steal toed marching boots, so I know how annoying it can be to have a noisy neighbor. HOpefully Banjo will be better next time if we also put Rio in her cage. Otherwise, maybe we'll try moving his kennel. Silly Banjo.


Anonymous said...

i want to meet Banjo one day! and really, he can't be worse than the host family's dog i'm living with now in malaysia. his name is Rhino (you have to pronouce it like roll the "r" rye like rye bread and extend the "o" like nooo) and he is a dalamation. and awful. he isn't trained and so i feel like he has no affections towards people. also he's an outside dog. and he run paces back and forth and barks at nothing or while trying to eat butterflies and birds and frogs (he successfully at a frog and then his mouth foamed...silly dog). and he barks if he's chained up. anyway, Rhino is super annoying and too loud, so hopefully Banjo gets better and less barky.

hope both you and neil are doing great in alaska! maybe i'll see you sometime after i get back to seattle in the summer (you'll visit? and probably hannah and i will be housemates in september!). maybe we can have family dinner and game night again one time. take care!

love, melyssa
p.s. if you want to see pictures of my travels: and the newest pictures are at:

p.s.s. if you send your email address, i can send update emails to you (

molly said...

That entry was hilarious! I totally forgot about our upstairs friend. I'm SURE Banjo wasn't CLOSE to that loud. You probably just have a grump living below you. I seem to remember a desparate night before finals when i maybe wanted to call the police on that girl. but then she gave us a weird candle. the end.

Sarah said...

Silly little boy. He obviously missed his mommy and daddy and wanted to play with the other doggy!

Speaking of sick, Katie's sick tonight, but I was very sweet and stopped at the store for ginger ale, saltines, and apples (strange, but hey, she requested them).

Friday's almost here. Hooray!