Saturday, February 2, 2008

Skate skiing

This morning at swimming I got to test out my new goggles. They aren't prescription, but they are close enough to my glasses that I'm able to see the tiles on the bottom of the pool, and the clock. I felt ever so enlightened. After swimming I went over to REI to rent some skate skis. Brad offered to teach Jared and Kari how to use them, so I tagged along for a free lesson. It was pretty fun. Although I'll need a few more tries before I don't feel completely uncoordinated and awkward blazing down the trail. I have the skis until tomorrow at 6, so I think I'll take them out for another round tomorrow with banjo. Tomorrow is the Ski for Women--a 5K ski race for women (apparently it's to get them out of the house during the super bowl (which happens to be the day with the greatest incidence of domestic violence. Too much testosterone I suppose.)

Banjo now has his own snow gear. We got him some red boots that have a rubber bottom on them so that his paws are protected from the cold (It's been pretty cold here these past few days. I think it was -1 when we took him out for a test.) It's pretty funny watching him in the shoes. For some reason he thinks that if he picks his legs up really high with each step it will be more comfortable. Rio does the same thing when she wears her boots. Actually, Matt has given up on putting them on her and instead sprays PAM on the bottoms of her feet. We tried it with Banjo, but he just sat there licking them and wouldn't walk anymore. Banjo eventually got used to the boots, although they're a tad too big.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm glad you got little Banjo some boots. And it was probably good that you got them a little bit big, so that you don't have to buy another pair this winter.