Sunday, February 17, 2008

Swimming Baby President's Weekend

On Thursday Neil and I went to the "broadway" showing of Hairspray. It was really good! I loved it, and I think Neil did too. The dancing was great and it seemed like everyone in the show was having a really great time. It made me want to get the sound track.

Last night we went to my swim club's holiday party. They ordered a bunch of moose's tooth pizzas and salads. It was pretty fun. I'd never seen half of them with clothes on before, so it was nice to talk with them. They had silly awards and stuff. Neil said he had fun hanging out with all of the middle aged women.

Today was Sophie's baby shower. I made auntie ellen's mint brownies, which were a hit of course. And everyone loved the little sweater I'd knit for the baby. One lady said that I'd make her grandmother proud.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I can send you copies of Hairspray. I have the broadway soundtrack as well as the movie sountrack! It is definately one of my favorites. The only flaw is that ever since we saw it, Grandma and I haven't seen a musical peppy enough to top it!

I've discovered that using Windows Live Messenger (the newest version of MSN messenger, which is free), there is an opion to do video conferencing (for free)! I've not tried it yet, but we should try it sometime to see if it really works!