Thursday, April 2, 2009

Two of our favorite things

It's been a while since we've made any posts.  Here are a few pictures of two of our favorite things:  food and Banjo!

We had this Costco bag of lemons.  Rather than make lemonaide, we made lemon marange pie!  It was super-delicious!  I would expect nothing less from my favorite cookbook.

On Friday night we finished off our last pack of halibut from Homer.  We made fish 'n chips.  They were really tasty, although they were a little soggy.  This is a picture of Neil's newest creation: Jalapeno bottle caps.  He dips the slices of jalapenos in tempura batter and fried them up.  After 2 peppers he had a bit of a problem (if you know what I mean...)

When we got back from camping we assembled our tent inside so that it could dry out.  The next day I was looking around the ho
use to see where Banjo had wondered off to.  Apparently he wasn't yet done with his camping fun.  He was sitting in the tent.


Sarah said...

"ho use"...very funny :)

How come you covered your belly with the pie? We want to see the peanut taking over!

Jimmy said...

I am still unsure about what trouble Neil might of had. Please explain in detail.

Mom said...

Cute little boy, maybe he thought it was his new kennel. Nice digs with a little more leg room. Good luck on the interviews, and the ultrasound, and the screw removal. You will have a busy week!

Neil Hoff said...

It means I was dropping some bombs all night after dinner. Is that enough detail for you?