Sunday, May 16, 2010

It doesn't hurt (too much) to tri

Today was the Gold Nugget Triathlon. It was a lot of fun. Neil and Abe came to cheer me on. I swam 550 yards (the extra 50 was because the girl counting for me forgot to tell me I was done), biked 13 miles, and then ran 5 kilometers. This year, because I wasn't pregnant with Abe I was able to go a little faster, which made it more fun. The swim was a piece of cake. The only frustrating part was having to share a lane with people of different speeds.

I was still rather slow on the bike portion. All of these women on fancy road bikes kept passing me on my heavy ol' mountain bike, but I got to enjoy the scenery and peaking around on base (the bike was on Elmendorf Airforce Base).
And then the run was pretty good, although my legs literally felt like jello when I first started out. But then I got into a grove and was able to run right behind this girl, which was nice to keep pace with--until she decided to go faster. All in all it was a great event with lot's of encouraging ladies out having fun.
Tomorrow night we're going to an awards banquet for the race. It should be fun. When we signed up for the race there was an option to check if we wanted to be considered for most improved (they compare you time from the previous year to this year's race). Unfortunately I didn't check the box (because I didn't want to be a cheater), but now I kind of wish that I had, because I heard there are lot's of prizes. :)
My number one fan!


Mom said...

Way to go Emily!!!!! Wow I am impressed. Do you get an extra big award since you did an extra lap? Well you will sleep well tonight. Neil was pretty good at getting good pictures of the event. Must not be as many people as the one here. Little Abe seems to be cheering you on. Hey, your birthday is in 3 days, I still don't have a list of what you may want. Well,Congrats, looks like you had good weather for your event.

Lis said...

getting off the bike to start the run is the worst. you feel like you're going so S-L-O-W AND your legs are jello. Good work! Too bad you had to do extra laps.