Sunday, August 15, 2010


The picture says it all. We're moving--dood and all--back to Seattle! When we fly down at the end of August Abe, Banjo and I will be staying in Seattle. Neil's planning to fly back up for a few more weeks of work. Then he'll drive down the AlCan with his dad a few weeks later. I'll be entering the workforce once again at the VA, and Neil will be taking some classes at UW and working as a fulltime dad! We're sad to being leaving our Alaskan Adventure behind. We've had a lot of great friendships and adventures here, but we're excited for the *yet to be determined new blog name* chapter of our lives. Peace out yo!


Mom said...

The dude is ready for an adventure. Today it was 96. I don't know if he would like our summers. He looks like he is wondering why he is being punished by being in the box. What did I do???

Lis said...

Oh wow! Maddie, Allie and I should be at the Par-Tay! Can't wait to see you after 20 years :0 and meet Abe!

Jimmy said...

I vote for Seattle Scene. Have fun at the VA.

cindy said...

as a seattlelite, i say yay!