Thursday, April 24, 2008

Whitties in Ancortown

Today afterwork Neil and I went to a little happy hour event for whitman alumni. It was at a pub called the Snow Goose. It was pretty fun. A lot of the people were older (as in graduated the year I was born), but we met a few younger whitties too. It was fun talking with people about professors, and the changes that are happening on campus. It's funny because they had far more events in Seattle, which we never went to while we were there, but we decided to turn out for the Anchorage one. We had some tasty appetizers on Whitman, and then I had some salmon tacos (C minus) and Neil had a halibut burger (B plus). Towards the end they started an open mic, so a one man band with two keyboards serenaded us with "reggae" tears in heaven (A for effort). On that note, we went home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess that Whatman pays for the events thinking that getting together and talking about all your fond memories that you will then give money back to the school. Pretty smart.