Sunday, April 6, 2008

Winter's not over quite yet...

It had warmed up quite a bit over the last few weeks. Our drive was almost entirely clear of snow and ice, but then the snow came. Yesterday we got a huge dump of snow--6-7 inches. Banjo has been enjoying it. We took him out to run on the trail and he raced back and forth.

Today I'm doing my 24-hour urine collection. I have a huge orange jug in the refrigerator and a red dixie cup. After only a few hours I've already collected about 14 ounces. Then tomorrow morning I mix it with this blue solution and stick it in the mail. We had to disguise the collection bin in the fridge so that Matt won't get grossed out.


Anonymous said...

I guess that ignorance is bliss. Why are you collecting your urine for 24 hours? momo

molly said...

what on earth are you collecting urine for? you look adorable in that photo -- very proud of your urine!! :)