Monday, May 12, 2008

100th Blog Spectacular!!

Today's posting happens to be the 100th posting to our Alaskan adventure. And it happens that today we ate Emily's favorite food - little chicken wings! Also, it happens to be the birthday of Emily's friend Molly! Other than that, it wasn't so spectacular. I leave for Seattle on Wednesday morning for another orthodontics appointment. If everything looks good (which I hope it will) I can schedule my jaw-surgery for June 4th. Whoo-hoo!

We have attached a picture of Ruth's new foster cat. Apparently it was cared for earlier by a very elderly woman who was going to put it down because she couldn't take care of it anymore. Luckily she didn't. But it's hair was very matted and it needed a little shave.


molly said...

Happy 100th blog entry!!

Sarah said...

When Ruth brought the cat down we'd heard all about how weird it looked and how it didn't look like a cat. So the shaved body was funny, but not so shocking compared to what I expected (something completely unfelinelike)!

What's funny is that Ruth carried her in like a baby, so the shaved part didn't even show until she set her down!