Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Going Julie and Julia

Two little turkeys.

This will be the first thanksgiving dinner I have ever cooked to date. I'm trying not to stress out too much about the giganticness of a turkey (which weighs the same as Abe, by the way--15 lbs). Other similarities: both turkey and Abie are butterballs, turkey is apparently a "young bird" and Abe is a young mammal, both turkey and Abe require dressing (although I'm still not sure what that means for the turkey), and both turkey and Abe will be guests of honor at dinner.


Neil Hoff said...

That's flippin' hilarious Emily! I love the picture. Abe's expression is priceless.

molly said...

love it.

Mom said...

Look at how he is holding his head up so high! What a big boy. I know who I would rather have a seat of honor at my table. m