Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend o snow fun

This weekend we had fun in the snow! On Saturday we went sledding with Kari, Jared, Rachel and Tracie. Jared found this really great sledding track at a place called prospect heights. It was a narrow little trail so it seemed like a luge trail. It was pretty long, but dropped probably about 100 feet in elevation. At the end there was a great jump. Abe and I didn't get to go down, but everyone else (including BanMan) had a great time. Banjo ran up and down the trail. At first he was able to run in front of the sled and it would chase him, but then he got too tired and had to chase after them. Needless to say, he was really tired at night.

Neil, Abe, and I left before everyone else, and went home to warm up. Then everyone came back for some hot cocoa. Later in the evening we went to a party for swimming. It was at this really cool 3 story house. The center of it was open, so there was a tree growing through all three stories. It was fun hanging out with all the swim crowd.

Today we went on a walk around Cheney lake by our house. It was around 9 degrees out (I finally hooked up my weather station). It was fun to get out of the house though.

The boys down the trail at Cheney lake. It kind of looks like Narnia.
Moose on the trail.

Abe can almost sit up on his own now.


Lis said...

I think I have a lazy baby. She rolled over twice two months ago and apparently that was enough. She kind of sits up, then tips right back. I will say the sitting up but not quite mobile phase is fantastic. They can entertain themselves but aren't getting in to all of your stuff :-)

Mom said...

Just one finger away from some independence. Counting down the days to seeing you guys again.