On Saturday we had a day of athleticism—started by Neil. He is playing in the league at Jared’s church again. So, he woke up early for his 7 am game. Apparently his team is really good this year. Neil only scored 2 points, because his back was hurting him.
After Neil got home I headed to the pool for my “Postal” swim. This was a masters event where you swim as many laps as you can in one hour. I’m not really sure why I signed up, but it was good to get back in the swing of things. I ended up swimming 3645 yards (just a little over 2 miles).
Then I went home for lunch and then went off to my skate ski lesson. (Thanks gramoo!) It was a lot of fun, but I’m far from a natural. It was pretty tricky. I’ll need plenty more practice. The lesson was at Kincaid park where they held the Olympic trials just that week. Kickan Randall, AK’s Olympic skier, was there to help coach this huge girls ski clinic thing. It was really crowded, but pretty fun to watch. (There were definitely many 7 year olds with much more skiing talent than me.)
At night Neil went to his friend's house for a Christmas tree burning party. He took our tree and Banjo. They had fun hanging out by the huge bon fire (our tree was too alive though and didn't shoot up in flames like all of the others). Neil stood a little too close to the fire and his sleeve of his coat caught on fire. Now it has a big melted hole.
On Sunday Neil’s back was still sore, so Rachel (who just returned to AK from a 3 month stay in the Philipines) Banjo, Abe and I went snow shoeing. Little Abe is not so little any more. He now weighs over 18 pounds, and he was very heavy in the Bjorn. So we didn’t go too far. Rachel was nice enough to take Banjo.
Rachel and BanMan. During the summer you can view salmon in that lake.
you guys need a backpack! (for abe)
and i can't believe he's 18 lbs! allie is 14.
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