Friday, September 7, 2007

Strawberry bread= Mmmm

I'm still not used to grocery shopping in the absence of Neil's appetite. So, I had a 5 pound box of strawberries from Costco that I were starting to go bad, so I made lemonade (well, actually strawberry bread). And, now I've discovered one of my new favorite foods. If you're every stuck with a bunch of strawberries that need to be put to use, I recommend this recipe. It makes two loaves, so I brought one to work that was eaten all up, and we're working on the other here at home.

So today it finally hit me that yes, I'm now living in a red state. On our daily walk during lunch I saw this car with a homemade license plate holder that read: January 20, 2009, The End of an Era. Another not so subtle reminder is the front desk that I walk by each day on my way into my office. Francis (who I believe thinks I'm a Native Alaskan because of comments about bead work and tribes) keeps one of those poster inserts from the newspaper with an American flag blowing in the wind that says September 11, Never Forget.

I guess I'll have to be careful what I say...or at least not bring up grandma. The only other not so great thing about living in Alaska, which may or may not be related to the redness of the state, is the lack of recycling. You would think that the state's largest city could have a recycling program. But, the closest thing is this drive up center that you can bring your presorted stuff to be shipped down to the Seattle facility.


Sarah said...

Yikes! I'm sure everyone isn't conservative'll have to find some of "our people"!

I'm happy to report that my assistant, Karen, thinks as highly of the Bush administration as we do. I can totally tell that this is going to be a great year.

Sarah said...

Shall I send you an Obama bumpersticker ASAP?

molly said...

thanks for the photos! the dogs are huge! the strawberry bread sounds DELICIOUS.

you crack me up. i'm sure you will be a good influence on all those red-staters. the first time i drove through idaho i saw a billboard with a picture of teletubbies and the caption "look what public television is teaching our children." really amazing what some people can come up with.