Thursday, October 4, 2007

A day in the life of an epidemiologist

So one of the competencies that I have to cover for my fellowship is to participate in an outbreak investigation. The only training we've had for conducting an outbreak investigation has been related to food born illnesses at picnics or the county fair.

I've started attending the public health nurses' debriefing meetings twice a week to start getting a feel for the types of infectious disease reports they get, and hopefully, get in on an outbreak investigation.

Of course, I should have suspected that in Alaska things would be a little more interesting. First they were talking about this case of rabies in one of the villages. It was pretty entertaining listening to the nurse talk about the guy who decided to personally kill 9 dogs, 1 goat, a cat and a fox, as a result of a potential exposure.

Then of course there was the botulism poisoning due to eating seal blubber. And the many many tuberculosis cases. Apparently tb is really prevalent here, especially in the bush. It seemed pretty interesting.

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