Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy Birthday Bradford!

Today is the big chief's birthday. It is also the day I became a resident of Alaska. I now have my license and plates. And you should be pleased to know that my license is actually a good picture. I'm on my way to collecting the PFD, which is the oil dividend that all Alaskans collect each year. And now as an Alaskan I can call attention to the flaws in our state government. So, the other day the governor was complaining about on the nightly news about congressman (from the lower 48) who was trying to pass a law that would make it illegal for people to shoot at wolves from helicopters. Governor Palin said that the killing of the wolves was justified because the wolves kill the moose. Okay fine. We like moose. But apparently not too much, because they also announced this same week that they are opening up the area to moose hunting. They hope to kill off at least 30 moose, because there are too many. Does any one else find something wrong with this story???


Sarah said...

Katie says "seems a little too pro-shooting things"

I say "damn republicans"

Bigot would have been part of my phrase, but I couldn't really justify this particular situation as being due to biggotry, though he still very well may be a "damn republican biggot"

some cheery cynicism to end your Tuesday

molly said...

Congrats on becoming an Alaskan! Poor sad mooses. :(