Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pet ER

We had some excitement yesterday---with Rio, not Banjo. We left Rio at home while we took Banjo for his walk afterwork. And she got us back by breaking into my bottle of Vitamin D. We get home and I find the lid all chewed up and the bottle on the floor. Fortunately she chewed it up so much that she wasn't able to get too many of the pills out, because it was squeazed shut. But the vet thought that it was still enough for concern. (Apparently Vitamin D is used in rat poison....and why am I taking this?) So she wanted us to make her vomit asap, but since we didn't have anything in the house to do that beside a finger, we had to rush her off to the vet emergency. They gave her a shot to empty her stomach and then they force fed her this black gooey charcoal substance to try and bind to any of the remaining vitamin that might have been left in her intestines. The problem with vitamin d is that it help your body to absorb calcium---which is why it is a good thing in small doses. However, in large doses, you have rat poison. So to follow up, Rio has to have blood work done for the next few days to ensure that her calcium levels are normal. (Today she was fine.)

To add insult to injury that same day Matt's man-purse was stolen from his car. It had his phone and ipod, and a bunch of other stuff. And then today Matt went out to the parking lot afterwork to go home, and his truck was stolen! Hopefully his bad luck won't rub off on us.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm taking RAT POISON with my calcium every day?! How much do you have to take before it becomes rat poison? That's a little creepy.