Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The stupidist government ever

Yesterday I got a social security report in the mail that listed a summary of my earnings. For a number of the years it listed "0" for my annual income even though I had worked. At the bottom of the report it said to call the social security office immediately if there was a discrepancy. So, today I gave them a call. After 10 minutes of talking to a voice recognition computer person who couldn't seem to get that I was saying Lorimer, not Lorinure, I got through to someone. I told him the problem and he says, oh you will need to go to the social security office and tell them. I got mad and asked him why it said to call him, and he just laughed. Then I asked where I could find the location of the nearest social security office. He told me he could help me with that, so I gave him my zip code. But, apparently my zip code wasn't specific enough so I gave him my state. Then he listed a number of cities: Juneau, Anchorage, Fairbanks. I responded Anchorage, and paused for the location. HIs response: "Okay Anchorage. That is where you go." My response, "I'm sure glad I wasted the last 15 minutes of my life talking to you morons. Now I know exactly what to do."

I'm beginning to see a theme with government workers. We have a new employee in our unit, but there wasn't an office space in the suite for her so her task for the last 3 days was to determine how to move people around in the offices to make things work. The simple solution would have been to swap offices between 2 people, but instead she concocted a plan that involved 5 people moving office, with one of them dividing his confidential files between 3 places. I sure am glad my taxes go to such competent workers. And don't forget the Claves of the world (competent for a few hours, then off to go play).

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I sure am glad that our taxes are used to pay such valuable employees.