Saturday, October 11, 2008


If you haven't heard, the legislative report about the Troopergate scandal was reviewed yesterday.  Republicans dressed up as clowns and protested outside of the courthouse in Anchorage, because they think its unfair.  They were chanting "Go Sarah Go" and "Sara is the best mom ever".  I don't really get what that has to do with Troopergate, being vice president, or being a clown, but that's what they said.

The report found that PALIN WAS GUILTY ON ETHICS VIOLATIONS.  Last night when they interviewed the Alaska head of the McCain/Palin campaign she had this huge smirk on her face and was so happy, because the report vindicated Palin.  Even the new castors called her out on it and asked if that wasn't the opposite of what the report found.  She was scary.  

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Creepy. And you know that stations like Fox News aren't going to air the part where the news caster called her on lying, they're only going to play the sound bite that says she was vindicated. Gag me!

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