Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Keeping warm in the cold

It's been really cold out recently.  At night when we walk Bannie it dips down into the teens.  So, to cope I made the greatest $6 investment--a hot water bottle.  At night I fill it up and put it in the bottom of the bed to warm my feet.  It's been great, especially with our new polar fleece sheets we just got at costco.  Ahhh...

Today at work the fun and fitness group brought in a lady to do a tea tasting with us.  It was pretty fun.  This lady's hobby is tea so she brought in her tea cup collection and a ton of different teas.  She told us a little bit about the history and about the kinds (black, oolong, green, and white) which are all from the same species, it just depends on how long the leaves ferment (they don't really ferment, but that's what its called when they're laid out to dry).  We had little cookies and then in the end she gave us a bunch of tea bags to bring home.  I was like Ruth in a yarn store.


Anonymous said...

Hey has your costco gotten the frozen mangos yet? I remember you were asking about them, we got some last week at ours.

molly said...

omg, the water bottle is such a great idea. might have to try that when it gets cold here. your human obama sign was so cool!