Thursday, September 16, 2010

the last great alaskan hike

This is a little late, but I just discovered the pictures on the camera. On our last weekend in Alaska we drove out to Hatcher's pass and hiked the reed lakes trail with Kari and Jared. This was the hike that made them decide that they wanted to stay another year in Alaska...uh oh. It was a beautiful hike. There were tons of big blueberries out, and the weather was pretty nice out. We hiked up a ways, and then we had to cross this boulder field. Neil had Abe on his back, and he did great. Banjo had the most trouble, until we figured out that his pack that he had on was throwing off his balance. Once we took that off he did really well leaping from boulder to boulder. The hike was about 7 miles round trip. We ate lunch up by the lake, and then hiked a little ways longer to find a waterfall. Abe was a rock star and had a great time the whole way, but by the time we stopped at dairy queen on the way home he had had enough. Chicken fingers were tossed. We'll miss days like this.


Lis said...

awww, sad. it's so beautiful up there.

Neil Hoff said...

Great pictures Emily! I have the one of the 4 of us by the waterfall on my desktop at work. I'll miss this place :-(

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that there is ALWAYS a picture of Jared climbing on stuff....

i miss these days already, too!!