Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Abe Hur on the Snow Chariot

Even by Alaska standards, the weather is cold. As you can see, it will get down to zero later in the week. In Fairbanks where the Hoffs are its below zero.

We took advantage of the new snow & took Abe for a ride in his snow chariot. Instead of people mowing their lawns, they are out with their snow blowers.
Abe's first solid food.
Grandma baby sitting Abe while Emily & Neil took Banjo to the dog park.


Lis said...

What did he think of the solids? Love baby sleeping on the chest. I wish Allie would do that.

GG said...

Grandma is obviously in sevebth heaven

Sarah said...

I keep forgetting to send Abe the cookbook I bought for him last month. It's full of recipes for babies - toddlers - kids from around the world! It looks quite good!