Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring time in Alaska

Here are a few pictures from our camera that we just uploaded. As you can see the weather has been really nice up here. Nice and sunny, and the days are getting a lot longer. I think it's been light out until after 8. Unfortunately I think this is confusing for Abe, because he doesn't seem to like to go to bed until late now. Silly boy.

On Monday we took Abe to his 6 month doctors appointment. Contrary to all of our guesses, he hasn't quite cracked 20 pounds yet. He now weighs 19# 8 ounces, 28 inches tall and 44.5 cm head circumference. The doctor isn't too worried about his lack of growing over the past month or so. He's at about the 50th percentile.


Katie said...

I'm glad he's slowing down a little on gaining and growing - just to give you guys a break!

Lis said...

He's only in the 50th? Seems so much bigger than that. But, it's not like you or Neil are that big either...our children will likely stop growing at 4' :-)