Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tale of the Missing Turd

Abe has been eating so many solids these days, and it shows! (in his diapers that is) Yesterday Neil was changing his diaper and called me in for back up to dispose of said poop. But for some reason when I got to the bathroom with the diaper the turd was gone! I looked and looked, but could not find it anywhere. I started yelling at Banjo, thinking that he must have eaten it somehow while I wasn't looking. We were sure it had disappeared, until Abe moved his head, and low and behold...there was the turd. Chillin' out next to Abram's head.

Babies make it okay to post poop stories on the internet.


Lis said...

OMG hilarious. And disgusting. Rudder LOVES poop.

Mom said...

That is so funny in a sick sort of way. Poor little poop boy. Poor Banjo being blamed for something he didn't do.

Sarah said...

Nasty! Crazy poop boy! I hope you made it up to Banjo by giving him a treat or something. It's not fun to be blamed for something you didn't do.