Monday, February 16, 2009

Skiing at Hatcher Pass

Sarah getting ready to go cross-country skiing at Hatcher Pass.
Sarah and Emily making their way around top.
That's one of the old mine building behind them.
There's the old mine in the mountains.
More skiing fun.

On Monday Emily, Sarah and I drove up to Hatcher Passs, which is about an hour and a half north of Anchorage (out in the Mat-Su valley). We drove to this place that use to be a mine. You can cross-country ski up to the mine, and there is a track that winds around some old buildings, and a visitors center. There weren't a whole lot of people, and I think I figured out why: it was pretty warm out (probably a little above freezing), so the snow was a little soft and slushy. We kind of lost our barings going around the track up top, so we had to backtrack to make it back to the car.

We made a stop at Target on the way home so Sarah could check it out.

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