On Tuesday we went back to the East side of the island with Kari and Jared because we wanted to snorkel at Hanama Bay. Except that it's closed on Tuesday. D'oh! So we drove a little more to Blow Hole point. Aparently there is this little hole in the rocks, and when the waves hit just right a large gush of water shoots up. It was pretty cool, but also really windy, and not so nice out. So we decided to cut back across to the other side of the island (west side) in search of sunny beaches and warmer water.
We ended up going to this resort place, which name escapes me now (one of the perils of writing this over a month after the fact). It had these man-made lagoons that were pretty cool looking. And they had some sharks and rays in these little pools for people to look at. We just kicked it on the beach of the lagoon for the most part. The weather still wasn't as hot as we would have liked it, but it was still fun.
For dinner we went to Old Spaghetti Factory. It's their 40th anniversary this year, and Tuesday happen to be the night where certain entres are 60% off. So that was pretty fun. Afterwards we walked around the mall a little bit with Marty and Mark. We went to this fun place for dessert that was a lot like Mix, except with frozen yogurt. And it had lots of tropical flavored frozen yogert like lychee. And what you pay is based on how much it weights, not how many different topings. It was good and tasty!
Neil really has red lobster arms. Ouch!
Yeah, I am also digging the sunburn Neil.
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