Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nert Hoff

Today was Banjo's graduation day of Advanced Puppy Training. We played games with the other dogs (Banjo again was the sit-stay champ - well, co-champ). At the end we received a certificate with the handler's name on it. In this case, that name was Nert Hoff. When I first heard it, I thought Emily had played some mean trick on me while I was in Seattle. But I guess they just couldn't make out my name for some reason. The lady was real nice and offered to make me a new certificate with my REAL name, which she did. So now we have two certificates for Banjo on our fridge, one with each name. NERT!!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Awe...I'm imagining the pitter patter of little Nert Jr's (4 furry) feet!